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The Abilene Paradox, 2E

Jump in the car and hit the road to Abilene. What you’ll find is a road littered with anger, frustration, blame and failure. It’s a journey during which deeply held, logical values fall victim to group dynamics, a road that takes you to group consensus where there is none.

Runtime: 26 Minutes
  • DVD or USB with Original and Re-make of Abilene
  • Leader’s Guide
  • Participant Workbook
  • PowerPoint Presentation
Key Learning Points:
  • Avoid false consensus
  • Overcome the fear of speaking out
  • Encourage effective  decision-making within a group


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Jump in the car and hit the road to Abilene. What you’ll find is a road littered with anger, frustration, blame and failure. It’s a journey during which deeply held, logical values fall victim to group dynamics, a road that takes you to group consensus where there is none.

In this age of corporate scandals and lack of accountability, management expert Dr. Jerry B. Harvey’s parable about a family trip to Abilene offers a timely, compelling lesson about reading the road signs and knowing when you’re headed down the road to Abilene.

The new program has been completely updated with a fresh, new look and a faster, more engaging pace. Whether you are interested in leadership, individual-accountability, communication, team-building, decision-making, or problem-solving training, you’ll find The Abilene Paradox flexible enough to target the skill sets most important to your organization at any given time.

Not simply a training video, your new version of The Abilene Paradox is part of an entire training program package, providing everything you need to map a new road to organizational success. Plus, the original version of The Abilene Paradox is included on the same tape to expand your training options.

Order your copy of The Abilene Paradox today and get on the road to increased profits and productivity.

Viewers Will Learn to Identify and Overcome the Five Psychological Principles of The Abilene Paradox and How To:

  • Avoid false consensus,
  • Overcome the fear of speaking out,
  • Encourage effective decision-making within a group.