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The Respectful Supervisor: Motivating And Retaining Employees

This video improves employee motivation and retention by teaching supervisors five behaviours that convey the respect workers seek.

Runtime: 11 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Leader’s Guide
  • Participant Resources
Key Learning Points:

● Reminds supervisors that it is crucial to make employees feel valued
● Shows how supervisors can demonstrate commitment to success
● Explains the importance of consistent, two-way communication


Employees equate respect with actions on the part of the supervisor that say, “You are a valued member of this team. How can I help you be successful?” Yet in a recent study, more than half the employees polled did NOT think their bosses showed this type of respect. The top reasons cited were that the supervisor: didn’t interact enough with the team; didn’t communicate well; or didn’t know enough about the work the employee was doing. This video improves employee motivation and retention by teaching supervisors five behaviours that convey the respect workers seek.

The degree to which an employee is motivated depends in large part on how they feel they’re being treated. Those who feel disrespected typically become demoralized; they are less productive, less engaged, and more likely to quickly move on to other jobs. All of which impacts the bottom line.

The Respectful Supervisor: Motivating and Retaining Employees tackles this issue by revealing some of the best ways supervisors can convey respect: paying attention to employees, engaging them in regular communication, and demonstrating commitment to employee well-being and success.

Specific learning points include:
  1. Have regular one-on-one meetings with employees where you: Communicate expectations, Solve problems, Give feedback (both positive and negative)
  2. Provide tools and training
  3. Show concern
  4. Be the Boss (in a productive, professional manner)
  5. Stay “in the know” about employees’ duties

Viewers are reminded that when supervisors invest themselves in developing team members, those team members thrive and the whole department performs at a higher level.