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Discipline Without Punishment, Revised

Discipline – no one likes to enforce it, and no one likes to be the target of it. With this powerful video, you will learn how to handle one of the toughest issues any manager faces.

Runtime: 20 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
Key Learning Points:
  • Use the four steps to disciplining for lasting improvements
  • Keep a discipline problem from turning into an attitude problem
  • Keep personality differences out of a discipline situation
  • Handle discipline so self-esteem and feelings of self-worth are kept intact
  • Put the responsibility for a discipline problem right where it belongs


Discipline – no one likes to enforce it, and no one likes to be the target of it. With this powerful video, you will learn how to handle one of the toughest issues any manager faces.

Every organization has an occasional “discipline problem.” Handled incorrectly, when discipline is equated with punishment, even a small problem with only one person can ruin the entire team’s morale and productivity. Also when handled incorrectly, it turns into a battle of wills, with anger and hurt on both sides. Nothing is gained, because people don’t respond progressively better when they’re treated progressively worse!

Using contemporary examples, this film shows the right way to use discipline. People don’t change their attitudes and personalities, but they can change their behavior – and that’s what a discipline problem really is: a behavior problem. This video shows first how to get the individual to admit there is a problem and then how to get that individual to solve the problem.

This video shows how to:

  • Use the four steps to disciplining for lasting improvements
  • Keep a discipline problem from turning into an attitude problem
  • Keep personality differences out of a discipline situation
  • Handle discipline so self-esteem and feelings of self-worth are kept intact
  • Put the responsibility for a discipline problem right where it belongs