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Your Words Matter

Social Media. Text Messages. Emails. It’s never been easier to communicate. And it’s never been more potentially hazardous. Now there is a video that can help every employee understand and navigate these hazards.

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Runtime: 11 Minutes
  • 11-Minute DVD
  • Leader’s Guide
  • Participant Quiz
Key Learning Points:
  • To exercise caution with email forwarding, and responses
  • To understand that the tone of your messages matters
  • To gain an understanding of how social media can impact your work
  • To better understand how your communication has the potential to affect your career and business


Social Media. Text Messages. Emails. It’s never been easier to communicate. And it’s never been more potentially hazardous. Now there is a video that can help every employee understand and navigate these hazards. The Your Words Matter training program will help increase awareness of the importance of written communication. Through dramatic vignettes, we explore some of the things that can go wrong and provide some practical advice for avoiding these pitfalls.

Every member of your team will learn basic guidelines for avoiding common mistakes and for communicating in a clear and effective manner.

Key Learning Points:
  • Your Messages Matter! Think before you hit “reply all.” Watch out for autofill. Be careful in your communication.
  • Your Tone Matters! People may misinterpret the tone of your communication. Learn how to avoid these pitfalls.
  • Your Privacy Matters! Social media is not private. Learn lessons for handing social media.
  • Your Reputation Matters! What you say electronically can affect you or your business. Learn how to manage your communications effectively.