Owen-Stewart Performance Resources Inc. | 1-800-263-3399 | sales@owenstewart.com

Stress, Humor, Burnout & Balance

Includes over 100 articles on stress, humor burnout and balance. These fully reproducible* articles are packaged in a handy 3-ring binder.

  •  100+ Articles in a binder


You get every article from all five packages in our series of reproducible handouts:
  • Keeping Your Stress in Balance
  • The ABC’s of Cognitive Restructuring
  • Job Stress and Burnout
  • Humor at Work
  • Stopping Anger and Violence at Work

Topics include Reframing, negative self-talk, balancing work and family, women & stress, the health benefits of humor, overcoming anger with humor, the five stages of burnout, how to express anger, and many, many more.

The articles and illustrations in this booklet are one page, easy-to-read articles designed to be photocopied.

A digital version is coming soon…