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Let’s Get Together! Series

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This program takes a unique and comprehensive approach to the issues of communication, diversity, conflict-management and teamwork.

Runtime: 22 Minutes
  • DVD
  • Facilitator’s Guide
  • Reproducible Particpant Materials & PowerPoint Presentation
Key Learning Points:
  • Learn the power of Compassion
  • Unity is the strength of your organization
  • Empathy is being human
  • Sharing and having an open mind


This program takes a unique and comprehensive approach to the issues of communication, diversity, conflict-management and teamwork.

Let’s Get Together uses cues, verbal and non-verbal signals, as a jumping off point to discuss four easy-to-remember tools —Compassion, Unity, Empathy and Sharing. Friendly hosts guide viewers through four illustrative scenarios that offer before-and-after looks at how these four principles can help solve workplace problems and create a positive and productive workplace!

This unique approach is a must-have for any organization looking for a synergistic and comprehensive way to explore communication, diversity, conflict-management and teamwork!

Also Included:

Doing Our Part and A look Inside Ourselves – These two 4-minute programs emphasize the personal responsibility employees share for creating a unified and respectful workplace.