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Village of 100, 4th Edition

This program presents a powerful metaphor for the population of our own workplace and dramatically shows the need for tolerance and understanding in a diverse society.

Runtime: 3 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Reproducible Village of 100 Activity Sheet
  • Facilitator’s Guide
  • PowerPoint Presentation
Key Learning Points:
  • The importance of diversity
  • Understanding the diverse workplace
  • The value of accepting others’ differences
  • How we ourselves are part of the diversity of the world
  • The need for tolerance and understanding


This training favorite asks the simple question: If we shrunk the earth’s population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all existing ratios remaining the same, what would it look like? How many would be non-white; how many would be white? How many would have electricity; how many would be heterosexual? What percentage would be wealthy; how many disabled?

In three minutes, this program statistically approximates what that village would be like—and illuminates our own workplaces.

When you think about the earth’s population in terms of these smaller numbers, it dramatically shows the need for tolerance and understanding in a diverse society.

This program is a terrific resource when dealing with these organizational issues:

  • Customer Service And Understanding Your Customer
  • Cross-Cultural Awareness
  • Diversity In The Workplace
  • Employee Orientation
  • International Business Awareness
  • Learning To Think Large, Expanding Thought, Vision
  • Teambuilding
  • Tolerance And Understanding