Owen-Stewart Performance Resources Inc. | 1-800-263-3399 | sales@owenstewart.com

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Workplace CIVILITY: It Really Matters!

This program, for all employees at all levels will discuss uncivil behaviors, why they’re inherently bad for the culture of organizations and how you eradicate them. It will talk about the need for all levels of management to support and model behaviors that demonstrate positive civil communication and interaction.

Runtime: 18 Minutes
  • DVD, USB or Streaming
  • Leader’s Guide
  • Participant Workbook
  • Facilitator’s Resources
  • PowerPoint Presentation
Key Learning Points:

Participants in this workshop should be able to:

  • Assess their own level of workplace civility.
  • Understand the definition of incivility.
  • Be aware of the range of uncivil behaviors.
  • Understand the affect on someone who is subjected to, or has observed incivility.
  • Understand the benefits of eliminating uncivil behaviors.
  • Know what to do when subjected to a case of uncivil behavior.
  • Recognize the importance of leadership around the subject of civility.
  • Learn about, and create specific strategies that will eliminate uncivil behaviors from your workplace.


This program contains five vignettes. The DVD & USB menu allows you to view each of the five vignettes, either individually, or the full video.

Incivility in the workplace has reached epidemic proportions. In North America it costs organizations billions of dollars every year. It seems that advances in technology and the impact of social media has contributed to and created a society that seems quite oblivious to basic social and ‘human’ values that affect our daily interactions in a negative way.

That has led to a tremendous impact on the performance of organizations. Managers, supervisors and team leaders feel that public airing of grievances is entirely appropriate. Talking about our co-workers behind their backs with gossip or complaints is commonplace. Walking in late to meetings or appointments is standard behavior. And, all of that and much more has contributed to an increase in the number of organizations that have lost their way in terms of common decency and civility.

This program will discuss uncivil behaviors, why they’re inherently bad for the culture of organizations and how you eradicate them. It will talk about the need for all levels of management to support and model behaviors that demonstrate positive civil communication and interaction. It will assist in exposing uncivil behaviors, and bring them to light so that real cultural change can occur.

You can purchase a DVD, USB, USB plus one year streaming for up to 250 views, streaming for up to 500 views, or you can call for custom pricing for your required quantity of views.

Vignette settings are: General Office, Healthcare, and Manufacturing.