Here’s a powerful guidebook for ALL employees, regardless of their level, position, or time on the job. Using a straight-talk, real-world approach, it pinpoints the critical behaviours necessary for individual and organizational success.
- 1 48 page book
Let’s face it. Your organization will be only as successful as your employees and successful employees are those for whom success is a mindset. It’s a contagious mindset. Even so, you’d be surprised how many employees don’t have it!
Start Right… Stay Right boils it all down to basics, exploring – in a uniquely innovative way – matters as simple as wardrobe, as complex as organizational culture, and as powerful as teamwork. You won’t find another training program quite like it!
Make it a key component of your:
- New-hire orientation programs
- Ongoing employee training
- Leadership development initiatives
This is the book you’ll want everyone reading and using… TODAY!