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FISH! Tales – Sprint

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Watch employee empowerment happen right before your eyes, with newfound enthusiasm and involvement between workers and management.

Runtime: 6 Minutes
  • DVD, USB or 1-Year Streaming
  • Conversation Guide
Key Learning Points:


A few years ago, Sprint Global Communications was a different company. Call after call, day after day, the employees of Sprint slugged away in the world of customer service. Casual dress was reserved for Friday, laughter in the office was generally a no-no, and retention was an impossibility.

Fast forward to today. Sprint is living the FISH! Philosophy. In-line skates, disco balls, and renewed commitment have transformed its call centers into places where you can “hear the smiles in the agents’ voices,” and where productivity and retention jumped 25%!

This FISH! Tale will show you how it happened, how management stepped back and allowed the process to evolve and how any customer service-based organization can Catch the Energy and Release the Potential!

Also available as part of the FISH! Tales Complete Series.