Owen-Stewart Performance Resources Inc. | 1-800-263-3399 | sales@owenstewart.com

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FISH! Trainer Tools

FISH! Trainer Tools provides all the tools you’ll need to perform a professional FISH! training.

Runtime: 30 Minutes
  • Facilitator Guide
  • Facilitator Video Examples
  • Event and Sustainability Tools
  • Participant Workbook and Activity Prop Sample
  • Integrated FISH! Language
  • One set of each of the following games to be used with your group: Write-on/Wipe-off Let’s Make A Day Cards A set of Choose Your Attitude Cards A set of Conversation Cards
Key Learning Points:
  • Save time and energy with customizable outlines for your FISH! event.
  • Meet the needs of facilitators, managers, and participants through multiple learning styles.
  • Sustain long-term growth and change through supplementary materials.
  • Planning is made easy with all the materials provided!
  • Supports broader FISH! initiatives and culture-transforming programs


FISH! Trainer Tool provides the tools to help a facilitator perform a FISH! training. It is flexible, saving the experienced facilitator time by providing PowerPoint presentations, workbooks and exercises so they don’t have to, and helping all facilitators by providing explanations, exercises, and video examples of  Facilitators in action.  Most importantly, it is based on proven techniques and processes to help ensure that the training will succeed. Trainer Tools is a key ingredient to understand how to re-create the culture portrayed in all the FISH! programs and begin your FISH! journey.

The benefits:

  • Save time and energy with customizable outlines for your FISH! event.
  • Meet the needs of facilitators, managers and participants through multiple learning styles.
  • Sustain long-term growth and change through supplementary materials.
  • Planning is made easy with all the materials provided!
  • Supports broader FISH! initiatives and culture transforming programs

What’s included:

Facilitator Guide
A complete guide to perform a FISH! facilitation, including how to start and sustain the journey, tools for managers, comprehensive event outlines, and proven facilitation techniques.

The Guide Covers:

  • Find IT, Live IT, Coach IT—An introduction to our process for cultural change, including questions to get you started.
  • The Experience-Centered Model™—A system of concepts, perspectives and skills that maximize the opportunity for participants to become fully engaged. Over 25 different group activities for you to use on an ongoing basis.
  • Event Preparation—A comprehensive guide that will set any facilitator up for success. From timelines and pre-event meetings with managers, to mental preparation, you’ll feel supported in every way.
  • Comprehensive Event Outlines—Event outlines (two and four hour) supported by tips, video footage, and notes to guide you. These outlines will help you create powerfully effective FISH! events.
  • Event Resources—Customizable invitations, event preparation forms, outlines, evaluations and extra activities with facilitator tips to make your event, yours.
  • Sustainability Resource Mini-kit—Manager tools, a journey map and conversations to keep the momentum and culture change alive!

Facilitator Examples
As you follow the outline in the facilitator guide, you can watch over 25 brief videos featuring expert facilitators providing practical techniques and examples for leading FISH! events.

Event and Sustainability Tools
Customizable FISH! event PowerPoint slides and Word documents, along with PDFs of materials and activities for your ongoing use.

Participant Workbook and Activity Prop Samples
The Workbook is designed to use during your initial event, but is also filled with ideas, exercises and action planning for your ongoing use. Props will help you bring life and energy to your event.

Integrated FISH! Language
Trainer Tools is designed for FISH! performances and also can support other FISH!  programs like FISH! Culture and FISH! For Leaders to generate deeper and more sustained benefits.  With the FISH! Process explained in Trainer Tools, you can begin to create the culture of energy, happiness, trust, support and satisfaction in your workplace as exemplified in all of the FISH! videos.

You will also receive one set of each of the following games to be used with your group:

  • Write-on/Wipe-off Let’s Make A Day Cards
  • A set of Choose Your Attitude Cards
  • A set of Conversation Cards