Owen-Stewart Performance Resources Inc. | 1-800-263-3399 | sales@owenstewart.com

It’s So Simple

Runtime: 20 Minutes
  • 14-Minute DVD or USB
  • Leader’s Guide
  • 4 Magnets
Key Learning Points:
  • Build loyalty and trust
  • Empower employees
  • Improve customer satisfaction


Most companies are driven by fear. Employees are often afraid of making mistakes that could result in disciplinary action… or worse. Employers fear that giving their employees too much freedom could result in poor employee performance. It’s So Simple is a learning program that flies in the face of corporate fear! Most people don’t think it’s possible for a company to love you, and many don’t understand how you can love a company. It’s So Simple shows you that it is possible, and you’ll be inspired when you find out what happens when fear is replaced by love.

The film takes you behind the scenes at Southwest Airlines to find out why they are one of the most sought-after employers in the nation, and one of the most successful and admired organizations on the planet!

The accompanying Leader’s Guide will then help direct the conversations that will help you apply the lessons of Southwest to every level of your organization. From the newest employee to the CEO, there’s something in It’s So Simple for everyone!

It’s So Simple shows how trust, respect and support among co-workers will increase productivity and retention and improve customer service and growth. It all happens by giving employees the freedom to do their jobs well, the freedom to learn from mistakes, and the freedom to love their work!