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FISH! Tales – Vital Signs

At Missouri Baptist Medical Center, the staff deals with emotionally difficult situations, the challenges of providing exceptional health care, and the everyday stresses we all feel. But when they introduced FISH! into the environment, they revitalized their work… and their lives!

Runtime: 12 Minutes
  • DVD, USB or 1-Year Streaming
  • Guide
Key Learning Points:
  • Learn how each present moment is the most important place to be.
  • Find out how the principles of the FISH! Philosophy helped Missouri Baptist overcome even the
    most difficult of situations, and how you can do the same.
  • Be inspired by the powerful lessons of Missouri Baptist, and take them into your organization


At Missouri Baptist Medical Center, the staff deals with emotionally difficult situations, the challenges of providing exceptional health care, and the everyday stresses we all feel. But when they introduced FISH! into the environment, they revitalized their work… and their lives!

Go behind the scenes at Missouri Baptist, where the staff learned to Be There for patients and for each other – no matter how difficult the situation. The inspirational stories from FISH! Tales: Vital Signs are the best medicine for even the worst case of workplace blues!

The accompanying Conversation Guide will help you take the lessons of the film through important conversations that will lead you to a higher level of success with FISH!

Key Learning Benefits:

  • Learn how each present moment is the most important place to be.
  • Find out how the principles of the FISH! Philosophy helped Missouri Baptist overcome even the
    most difficult of situations, and how you can do the same.
  • Be inspired by the powerful lessons of Missouri Baptist, and take them into your organization

Also available as part of the FISH! Tales Complete Series.