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Building the Multicultural Team

From the Global Scenario Series

As our world becomes increasingly global, your employees increasingly work with people from other cultures. Train your employees to work effectively in today’s global market.

Runtime: 14 minutes
  • DVD
  • Leader’s Guide
Key Learning Points:
  • understanding the challenges of work in a multicultural team
  • developing an effective cross-cultural, multicultural leadership plan
  • finding out how to communicate effectively with other cultures
  • dealing effectively with differences in values and priorities
  • discovering how to build effective working relationships
  • seeing success stories on multicultural teams
  • understanding that awareness is a “two-way street”: all cultures need to adapt
  • learning how to bridge differences and create a balanced approach


Ideal for team building activities, Building the Multicultural Team: Diversity in the Workplace will take you on an exciting journey to observe a global team in action. You’ll watch a problem-plagued meeting between five managers from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, North America and South America, and discover powerful techniques for working effectively with other cultures.

With this powerful yet easy-to-use training program, you’ll find out how to foster effective leadership on a multicultural team, and how to overcome differences and benefit from cultural diversity. In this exciting dramatization, you’ll profit from success stories on multicultural teams, as your employees gain essential skills for being effective with other people and cultures.

Ideal for group discussion, team building activities, and improved multicultural communication in the business world.

Also available as part of the Global Scenarios Series.Scenarios Series.