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No Fear Feedback: How To Give Peers Constructive Feedback

Sharing 3 proven strategies, this video will let a peer know they’re doing something that’s creating a problem without making them defensive.

Runtime: 6 Minutes
  • DVD, USB or Streaming
  • Learning Guide
Key Learning Points:
  • Talking with individuals or groups as equals so that resentment or defensiveness about appearing to “boss” them is avoided
  • Sharing concerns without complaining or criticizing
  • Describing results for improvement, confirming agreement
  • Reciprocating by asking the other person or group for a request of theirs


This program demonstrates an effective way to offer constructive feedback to our peers in a positive way.

Our peers are other employees, managers, team leaders, department heads, executives, etc.

From time-to-time, we may need to politely let them know they’re doing (or not doing) something that’s creating a problem for us. For example, being late on a joint project, contributing to us missing deadlines, or changing a procedure without informing or consulting us.

We need strategies to discuss the issue(s) with them by requesting that they do something different without appearing like we’re their boss and avoiding creating resentment or defensiveness. Viewers will learn what to say and how to say it.

Sharing 3 proven strategies, this video will both teach and reinforce these new communication skills.


Key Concepts from No Fear Feedback: How to Give Peers Constructive Feedback include:

  • Talking with individuals or groups as equals so that resentment or defensiveness about appearing to “boss” them is avoided
  • Sharing concerns without complaining or criticizing
  • Describing results for improvement, confirming agreement
  • Reciprocating by asking the other person or group for a request of theirs


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