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Featured Videos

Recognizing Stress:

Understanding Why You Need To Manage Stress

This program (Part 1 in a 3-Part Series) follows four people who describe their difficulties with mood swings, disorganization, anger and insomnia and eventually come to understand the importance of managing stress.

Runtime: 15 Minutes
  • DVD, USB or Streaming
  • Leader’s Guide
  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Additional Bonus Material
Key Learning Points:
  • Stressors are what happens to you and stress is how you take it
  • Acute stress is OK; Chronic stress is not
  • Avoid Counterproductive coping
  • Eliminate daily hassles, cope, and plan for major life events


Making the connection between stressful life circumstances and stress-related illness.

Stress affects everyone. Yet most people fail to make the connection between their own stress and the onset of stress-related health problems like high blood pressure, recurrent colds, mood disorders and chronic pain. But after you watch the four people in this video describe how stress causes them to overspend, overeat, lose sleep and become depressed, you will begin to make this connection. A real eye-opener for anyone who thinks they have their stress under control. A film you won’t easily forget.

This program contains everything you need to put on a complete training program including a PPT Presentation, handouts and bonus materials like a special behavioural change module based on the stages of change model. If you want to start a dialogue about stress in your organization this is the program you’ve been looking for.

Narrated by David L. Katz MD, MPH, FACPM, FACP, who is the Director of Yale University’s Prevention Research Center, Director of the Integrative Medicine Center at Griffin Hospital, Medical Consultant for ABC News, and a Health/Nutrition Columnist for The New York Times.

*Even though this video is one of a three-part or five-part series, you needn’t purchase all three or five videos. Each video in the series can be viewed (and purchased) separately and independently from the others. Of course they work well as a series and if you do decide to purchase all three or five, you will save even more.