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Featured Videos

Resilience: Mastering Stress

This program (Part 3 in a 3-Part Series) follows four people as they learn how to adapt, stay flexible, accept change, be proactive and bounce back from adversity.

Runtime: 17 Minutes
  • DVD, USB or Streaming
  • Leader’s Guide
  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Participant Materials
Key Learning Points:
  • The definition of Stress Resilience
  • Five attributes of a Stress Resilient person
  • The differences between Stress Management and Resilience
  • How to be comfortable with where you are in the change process


It’s one thing to learn how to recognize stress and it’s another thing to learn how to manage it. (See Volumes 1 & 2 of this series) And, it’s another thing entirely to let stress just roll right off your back.

Wouldn’t it be empowering to take criticism without being bothered by it? Wouldn’t it be great if you could communicate clearly in difficult situations? Viewers will learn five resiliency skills that will help them deflect stress and communicate more effectively.

Some experts call this resilience and others call it stress inoculation training (SIT). Mastering Stress teaches you how to take your stress in stride using simple strategies like learning how to bounce back from adversity, staying flexible, setting realistic goals, living life according to your highest values, and seeing setbacks as only temporary. These skills and others form the building blocks of resilience. Lots of real life situations challenge the people in this video to learn how to practice resilience over stress.

Narrated by David L. Katz MD, MPH, FACPM, FACP, who is the Director of Yale University’s Prevention Research Center, Director of the Integrative Medicine Center at Griffin Hospital, Medical Consultant for ABC News, and a Health/Nutrition Columnist for The New York Times.

*Even though this video is one of a three-part or five-part series, you needn’t purchase all three or five videos. Each video in the series can be viewed (and purchased) separately and independently from the others. Of course they work well as a series and if you do decide to purchase all three or five, you will save even more.