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Featured Videos

Emotional Intelligence & Optimal Performance

Discover how a certain amount of stress is necessary for optimal performance.

Runtime: 17 Minutes
  • DVD, USB or Streaming
  • PowerPoint Presentation Includes Leader’s Material and Notes
  • Bonus Materials
Key Learning Points:
  • Stress is necessary for optimal performance
  • Control negative thinking
  • Learn how to handle disturbing emotions in yourself and others


With this program, you’ll see that most people don’t understand that a certain amount of stress is necessary for optimal performance. Knowing the right amount for you is one of the five keys to staying highly motivated and engaged.

Other strategies include learning how to control overly negative thinking (especially worry), learning how to recover quickly from an emotional episode, and learning how to handle disturbing emotions in yourself, your co-workers and your boss.

Once you master the five simple steps outlined in this training film, you’ll be able to get along better with others, handle stress better, communicate better, work more efficiently and be more productive.

This program is Part 3 of a 3-Part series. Part 1 is Understanding Emotional Intelligence. Part 2 is Demonstrating Emotional Intelligence.

Dan Goleman, Ph.D. is the author of the bestselling books, Emotional Intelligence, Working with Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence. He graduated from Harvard University and reported on the brain and behavioural science for the New York Times for 12 years. He was awarded the American Psychological Associations’ Career Achievement Award and is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.