Owen-Stewart Performance Resources Inc. | 1-800-263-3399 | sales@owenstewart.com

Performance Review

Through a series of dramatic vignettes, this program shows both the right and wrong ways to conduct a performance review. It demonstrates the impact of a collaborative style in which the manager sees their role as a mentor, facilitator or coach.

Runtime: 18 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Leader’s Guide
Key Learning Points:
  • Understand the purpose of an Appraisal Interview
  • Be able to carry out an effective Performance Review that is collaborative in style
  • Learn the differences between a Performance Review, and a Counselling or Discipline Interview
  • The benefits to the organization of a well-conducted review


This program explains the nature of a Performance Review and its benefits to managers and employees alike. It demonstrates that the effectiveness of the process is determined by the way in which the manager or supervisor conducts the review.

Four Key Stages:
  • Being Prepared
  • Encouraging Open Dialogue
  • Dealing with the Issues
  • Setting and Achieving Objectives

The review can either be a positive and beneficial one, or it can do significantly more harm than good by damaging both the motivation of the employee and the relationship with their manager or supervisor.

This video presents role models that clearly demonstrate the impact of a positive, open and collaborative style in which the manager or supervisor sees his or her role as that of a mentor, facilitator or coach. It also demonstrates the negative consequences that can result if a manager adopts a directive, judgmental approach to the review.

Learning Points:
  • Understand the purpose of the appraisal interview—what it is and what it is not.
  • Be able to carry out an effective Performance Review that is collaborative in style and that achieves an improvement in performance while maintaining or enhancing the motivation of the employee
  • How a Performance Review differs from a Counselling or Discipline interview
  • The benefits to the organization of a well-conducted review