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Diversity Made Simple For Managers

Focusing on workplace diversity has become so important that managers and supervisors have an obligation to educate themselves and then lead by example by making a serious and consistent commitment to their organization’s diversity policy.

Runtime: 13 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Guide
  • Sample Diversity Policy
  • Participant Quiz
Key Learning Points:
  • What is diversity?
  • Why is diversity important?
  • How can managers embrace diversity?
  • The manager’s role in a successful diversity and inclusion program


Embracing the talents of people from all cultures, races, ethnicities, faiths, beliefs and personal experiences is imperative for organizations that wish to succeed in today’s increasingly diverse world and managers and supervisors play a pivotal role in ensuring the acceptance and inclusion of all employees.

With demographics becoming more racially and ethnically diverse every year, a recent surge in legal protections for more groups of employees, the trend of an increasingly later retirement age and a rising number of women in the workplace, our labor force has never been more diverse or primed for success.

Organizations that have seen the critical need to attract and retain diverse talent and have made diversity and inclusion part of their core values have proven to be far more successful than those who have not.

Focusing on workplace diversity has become so important that managers and supervisors have an obligation to educate themselves and then lead by example by making a serious and consistent commitment to their organization’s diversity policy.

Managers also have the crucial job of educating their employees about what diversity is, why it’s important and how to embrace and participate in it. Providing this education is a constant day-to-day process that involves reinforcing the organization’s training programs and enforcing the policy itself through reminders, coaching and direct training.

Key Training Points:

• Treat co-workers, vendors, customers and any other person encountered while representing the organization with dignity and respect.
• Sincerely listen to and consider contributions from every member in work teams, groups or committees.
• Avoid situations that may exclude a team member and find ways to include input, ideas and advice from co-workers.
• Never allow biases and stereotypes to affect work decisions.
• Attend regularly scheduled diversity and inclusion training.
• Make reasonable accommodations to scheduling, work assignments, work duties, workstations and any other requirements when necessary for religion, physical or mental disabilities, family status or any other reasonable need.
• Never engage in harassment, discrimination, bullying or any other inappropriate or illegal conduct.

Purchase the Employee and Manager Versions for only $625.00—save $125.00!