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Accountability Video Clips, Government Version

Designed specifically for training government employees, the 9 categories and 35 video clips in this video resource will help you demonstrate what it looks like when people hold themselves, each other and the organization accountable for keeping commitments and achieving results. Play off the DVD or embed the clips from the USB into your PPT or eLearning.

Runtime: 47 Minutes
  • Video clips on DVD for viewing
  • Video clips on USB for importing into PowerPoint Presentations, Streaming or eLearning
  • Leader’s Guide including discussion questions for each clip
Key Learning Points:
  • Supports government accountability initiatives by modeling 9 principles of personal responsibility
  • Improves efficiency by emphasizing the importance of clear communication, goal setting and follow through
  • Stretched training budgets by providing a library of video clips that can be use in a variety of applications


What makes a government department or agency accountable? It is a willingness to be answerable and accessible to the public. And while the specifics of an accountability initiative can vary from one department to the next, all have one thing in common: Everyone—from the top down—must demonstrate personal responsibility and integrity.

Designed specifically for government training, the 35 video clips in this resource will help you demonstrate what it looks like when people hold themselves, each other and the organization accountable. This video based resource contains 35 unique video clips that fall within 9 categories of personal responsibility and accountability. It only includes clips that are set in a government agency or take place in a “generic work environment” that could easily be a government agency or government-run facility.

The clips are provided on DVD and USB so that you can play them right off the DVD or embed them into a PowerPoint Presentation or eLearning from the USB.

In these categories, the clips can be used to make the following points:

Take Ownership and Keep Commitments: When accepting responsibility for a task or project, take full ownership and do what you say you’re going to do. For clarity, set deadlines-then keep them. When necessary, communicate and renegotiate commitments that cannot be met.

Be Proactive: Take the initiative in seeking improvements to processes and practices. Work to improve your own skills, and influence others toward improvement.

Communicate With Clarity and Set Measurable Goals: Getting to the right result requires clear agreements and an understanding of expectations and instructions. Accountability for results begins with clear directions, and places responsibility on both parties for clarification.

Be Ethical: Know what’s right-by law, by policy, by procedure, by best professional practice-and act accordingly. Make decisions for the best outcome when two “rights” conflict. Speak out when someone acts unethically.

Be a Problem-Solver: Apply your own experience and knowledge to every problem. With this problem-solving mindset, you’ll plan and take action towards a solution, rather than waiting for others to get things started.

Serve the Public Professionally: Every person you serve and work with deserves your best effort, whether it’s a problem to be solved or a transaction to complete. Know the technical and procedural aspects of your work and bring a positive attitude to the service you provide — the public expects competence and is paying you for it.

Don’t Be Afraid to Speak-Up: Know what you need and what you deserve. In a professional manner, let others know it too. Those you work with and for may not realize when their actions are getting in the way. Claim what you need to do your best work.

Accept Feedback and Learn From Mistakes: Learning and changing direction happen quickly and frequently in an accountable environment. Listen non-defensively, give proper consideration to what’s being said, choose to adjust, and move on.

Supervising and Managing an Accountable Workforce: Often held accountable for the work of others, managers and supervisors must first model accountable behaviours, then learn to require this type of personal responsibility from those who report to them. The manager’s tone of voice, choice of words and standard-setting behaviours can make or break an Accountable Workteam!

The Clips package includes a Leader’s Guide with discussion questions for each clip that will help stimulate further discussion and learning.