Owen-Stewart Performance Resources Inc. | 1-800-263-3399 | sales@owenstewart.com

And When You Fall…

One of the biggest roadblocks to success is not failure but the fear of failure. This video uses the story of Olympic skater Dan Jansen to show how stumbles can lead to success. After seeing it, everyone on your team will say, “Yes! We can do it!”

Runtime: 5 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Discussion Guide
Key Learning Points:
  • Shows how adversity builds strength
  • Helps people get past setbacks
  • Depicts a success mindset


In 1988, Dan Jansen’s sister died on the day he was to skate for Olympic Gold in Calgary. He fell, twice, but got up with dignity and finished the race. In 1994, in Lillehammer, he fell in front of 90 million people and had only one chance left. And then he won not only the Gold, but he set World and Olympic records. Dan Jansen’s story isn’t just about an athlete. It’s a story of life.

Who hasn’t slipped and fallen? Who hasn’t worked hard and still lost? The more important question is—Who will bow to defeat, and who will never ever give up? If we’re honest, each of us will admit that we have learned more from a key stumble in our professional lives than from all our successes put together. But using these “stumbles” to grow is what this video is all about.

Every organization and individual can find a way to apply Dan Jansen’s story to their work and personal lives. And When You Fall… teaches us how to put our setbacks into a framework that allows us to learn and grow from them. In this video, you’ll experience his anguish, then celebrate his explosive victory that moved the entire world to a standing ovation. After this compelling, thought-provoking meeting opener, you’ll never again hear: “It can’t be done.”

Participants Will Gain Insight Into:

  • The struggles we face when attempting to achieve our goals
  • The power and strength we have to keep pursuing our dreams
  • The value of reflecting on past setbacks and failures