Owen-Stewart Performance Resources Inc. | 1-800-263-3399 | sales@owenstewart.com

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The Applicant

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This program is designed to increase an applicant’s chances of success at a job interview. Learn all the tips and techniques to achieving your goal – getting the job!

Runtime: 16 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Leader’s Guide
Key Learning Points:
  • Learn how to research the position and the organization
  • Stay focused on the questions you are asked
  • Be concise, direct and relevant with your answers
  • Strategies will work well when interviewing for an internal position


This program is designed to increase an applicant’s chances of success at a job interview. Being good at your job or even being the best candidate isn’t always a guarantee that you’ll triumph. Making the best overall impression at the interview will generally ensure success. Learn all the tips and techniques to achieving your goal – getting the job!

Key Learning Points Include:

  • Researching the position and the organization to which you are applying
  • Staying focused on the questions you are asked
  • Being concise, direct and relevant with your answers

Also available as part of The Panel Interview Series