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A Better Way

See how disparate people with different goals can still work together to create a win-win outcome. In this thought-provoking program, three South African retailers are forced to find new ways of doing business.

Runtime: 15 minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Leader’s Guide
Key Learning Points:
  • Helps people understand the win-win concept
  • Shows how collaboration works
  • Inspires people to innovate


This documentary uses three different examples to show how people can work together to solve problems.

In the first example, a retail organization challenged with street vendors at their storefronts decides not to view the vendors’ presence as an impediment, but rather an opportunity for increased success through cooperation. The result? Each business is enhanced and customers enjoy the convenience of a full range of goods in one location.

In the second example, a grocery chain trying to gain market share in the sale of fresh fish knows they need a better-quality product from their supplier. They express this and through collaboration with the supplier are able to increase the quality of their product resulting in an increase in profitability for both firms.

In the final example, a retail store’s young manager realizes that being in the center of town keeps his store from a large base of potential customers dependent on bus transportation. The answer? Open a store near the depot. Doing so allows them to increase profitability at both stores and make customers happy.