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Discovering the Future Series

Embracing change is crucial to the success of any business today. This #1 selling business film illustrates the difference that open minds and forward thinking can make when facing change.

Runtime: 105 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Leader’s Guides
Key Learning Points:
  • anticipate change
  • open their minds to new ideas
  • challenge assumptions
  • unleash their imaginations


This three-part series reminds us that moving forward in the business world goes hand in hand with forward thinking. It is therefore necessary for successful organizations to be open to opportunities and solutions that don’t necessarily fit into the mold that some paradigms create. Through examples, Joel Barker shows us that every organization has a choice: it can watch the future pass it by, or it can ride out to meet the future.

The Business oF Paradigms
This #1 selling film has become a classic in change management. Paradigms are like filters for our brains that help us to evaluate and organize new information. They determine the way we see the world and the future. Unfortunately, paradigms can also be so deeply rooted in our minds they become barriers that keep innovative ideas and new opportunities from reaching the place where inventive thinking develops. It focuses on the impact of revolutionary change, and the need to anticipate and shape our future.

Paradigm Pioneers
If someone else discovers a new paradigm before you do, can you still profit from it? Absolutely! As Paradigm Pioneers demonstrates, you don’t need to be the one who invents the next great idea in order to benefit from it – you need only look for ideas that are already out there. It takes intuition, courage and commitment to recognize new paradigms, to champion change and to bring the final results to the market. This video helps you and your organization cultivate the pioneering spirit so that you can act on opportunities before your competitors do. Pioneers don’t discover territory, but they are the first to explore it with open eyes – to see change and take advantage of it.

Paradigm Principles

Imagine if you could have predicted the success of compact discs, the internet, or recycling. Not only would you have made lots of money, you would have been in control of change. Fortune telling? Of course not. It’s just a matter of knowing where to find the next exciting idea and then knowing what to do with it. Using the four paradigm principles, Joel Barker helps
you through the process of understanding and acting on change. The four-part framework of Paradigm Principles helps people understand their attitudes about change. The program shows you what happens when paradigm shifts, when to look for change, who brings it and how to capitalize on it.