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Celebrate What’s Right With the World, Updated Version

Welcome to the updated version of Celebrate! Dewitt Jones looks great, and his images literally jump off the screen. Since its release, Celebrate What’s Right With the World has inspired millions. Today, its timeless message is more important than ever.

Runtime: 22 Minutes
  • DVD, USB, or Streaming
  • Leader’s Guide
  • Participant Workbook
  • PowerPoint Presentation
Key Learning Points:
  • Teaches employees to see abundance in all things
  • Builds positive mindsets
  • Brings out the best in people


Since its release, Celebrate What’s Right With the World by Dewitt Jones has inspired millions. Today, its timeless message is more important than ever.

Because of this, it was time to update the program. By going back to the original master tapes and photographs, the overall viewing experience has vastly improved. Dewitt looks great, and his images literally jump off the screen.

If we see the world as a dog-eat-dog jungle, that’s the world we’ll live in. If we see it instead as an endless sea of possibilities, we will see opportunities to grow and will work toward those goals to achieve greater success for ourselves and our organizations.

Do you have a vision for your organization? More importantly, do you have one for yourself? One that gets you excited every morning and keeps you open to possibilities? Celebrate What’s Right with The World teaches what a powerful force having a vision of possibilities can be.

Dewitt Jones is one of America’s top professional photographers. In his twenty-year career with National Geographic, Dewitt has lived the vision of “celebrating what’s right with the world.” He found that the creative tools he employed as a photographer had an even deeper application.

Too often we get caught up with a different view of the world. The view that pushes us in the direction of finishing first at all costs, beating the competition, living the law of the jungle. Dewitt reminds us it can become a reality if we believe it strongly enough. In this new video, Dewitt reminds us to choose to see brighter possibilities. Do we really believe they’re there? He assures us that we can see them once we believe. And when we believe, we connect with a vision that opens us to possibilities and gives us the courage to soar.