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Customer Service: Make It Easy!

Help your customer service reps deliver the kind of service that your clients want and need. Don’t have customers walking out your door or hanging up the phone. Give them what they want—customer service made easy!

Runtime: 18 Minutes
  • DVD, USB, or Streaming
  • Leader’ Guide
  • Participant Materials
  • PPT Presentation
Key Learning Points:
  • Builds awareness around employee actions that frustrate customers
  • Provides practical information on the 4 crucial customer service skills
  • Helps the organization keep customers coming back


Many customers these days are not happy with the service they’re receiving. They’re angry, frustrated and headed for the door. So what do they want? They want service that’s efficient and painless, with minimal effort on their part. In other words, customers want customer service made easy. This video training program will help you deliver just that.

What is the biggest customer complaint—the one most likely to make a person head for the door? It’s that it just takes too much effort to get what they need done. In fact, studies have shown that most customers will stay with organizations that simply deliver easy, efficient service. That, more than anything else, builds customer loyalty.

Most employees know these concepts, but in the midst of a busy workday, are prone to forget them. This video helps them understand that the key to success lies in using them together, consistently. Throughout the program, trainees are asked to consider, “Am I making it easier—or harder—for my customers?” At the end of the training session, they will be able to apply practical information to their specific job and will better understand their role in satisfying customers.


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