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Different Like You

Today’s workforce is a diverse, multi-cultural, ever-changing mosaic of individuals. Learn how to view the unique diversity of each individual as the organization’s most valuable resource.

Runtime: 20 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Leader’s Guide
  • Participant Workbook
Key Learning Points:
  • Approaches diversity training from the standpoint of appreciating others
  • Shows how a diversified workforce has changed the workplace
  • Helps the organization value every individual’s contribution


Not too many years ago, conformity was the workplace standard. Assimilation to the prevailing corporate culture was the norm. Employees learned to fit in, to dress according to company policy, to think only so much as was required to obey the chain of command, and above all, to not rock the boat.

These days, however, we know that the workforce is becoming a diverse, multi-cultural, ever-changing mosaic of individuals. What does diversity mean to an organization and why should we care? What will workforce diversity mean to each of us, individually, in the 21st Century? Why do organizations like yours invest time and money into diversity training for employees? And why is it that talking about workforce diversity in our organization can sometimes make us uncomfortable?

Our concept of diversity must evolve to encompass all of the talents, preferences, affiliations, intellects and experiences that make each one of us unique as individuals. Workforce diversity in the 21st Century will focus less on what group a person can be identified with, and more on the unique diversity of each individual as the organization’s most valuable resource, its human capital.

Participants Will Learn:

  • Diversity means more than race and gender-each individual is unique and different
  • Common fears and barriers to diversity
  • Avoiding stereotypes and bias
  • Communicating and solving conflict professionally