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The Difficult Guest

This video program goes beyond just describing how difficult “guests” behave, it teaches participants the strategies needed to make a prickly customer situation turn into a smooth buying/selling transaction for all those involved.

Runtime: 39 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Leader’s Guide
Key Learning Points:
  • Listening to your customers
  • Apologizing personally
  • Solving the problem
  • Thanking your guest for their business and more


Our hapless hero Ken Sperling takes off on a routine business trip, and we tag along for another ride on his often strange but always entertaining flights of imagination. From the baggage line to the hotel lobby, from the bank to the health clinic, we encounter some very difficult customers and some very creative customer service solutions.

While they may seem demanding at times, “guests” don’t really ask for much. They just want to be treated like visitors in your home:they want to feel welcome, be taken care of, get what they came for, be thanked for their visits and invited back. And guests/customers don’t necessarily want to be difficult. If they are identified early on and properly handled from the beginning, chances are, you can turn things around.

The video teaches us that guests can be difficult in three particular ways:

  • Distracted Guests bring all their problems with them. They simply haven’t been properly welcomed to your world yet. All they need is to know that they’re going to be personally taken care of while they’re your guests.
  • Disappointed Guests arrive with expectations that, for one reason or another, end up not being met or fulfilled. They feel let down. Often, the problem is not in what you do or say, but in how you do or say it.
  • Disruptive Guests call for emergency action. They feel ignored or embarrassed, insulted or unfairly treated. You have to deal with them before you can deal with their problem.

This video program goes beyond just describing how difficult “guests” behave, it teaches participants the strategies needed to make a prickly customer situation turn into a smooth buying/selling transaction for all those involved. It’s an outrageous comedy with customer interactions we can all relate to.

A cast of unforgettable characters rounds out a program that will delightfully provide viewers with solid training on recognizing, understanding and taking care of difficult customers. From the baggage line to the hotel lobby, from the bank to the health clinic, we encounter some very difficult customers (the distracter, the disappointed, and the disruptive) and some very creative customer service solutions.

Participants will learn how to deal with difficult guests by:

  • Listening to your customers
  • Apologizing personally
  • Solving the problem
  • Thanking your guest for their business and more.