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Can You Spare A Moment? Revised

Counselling Skills for Managers
SKU: 3129P Categories: , Tags: , Brand:

This realistic yet light-hearted drama gives managers the tools to deal with employees whose personal problems are affecting their work.

Runtime: 25 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Leader’s Guide
  • Participant Worksheet
  • PowerPoint Slides
  • Self-Study Workbook
Key Learning Points:


Many people are still not comfortable talking about their personal problems openly at work but in general we’ve come a long way from the ‘lunch is for wimps’ attitude that characterized business just a few years ago. Indeed today people are more concerned about how they can achieve work/life balance rather than being macho about their workload.

The drivers for this change in focus aren’t hard to find. Market competition is fierce, the pace of work is intense and change is endemic. Add to this environmental stressers such as commuting and the ongoing demands of home life and it’s no surprise that companies are looking ever more seriously at the ways in which they can support their staff.

It’s within this context that forward-thinking managers need to develop their counselling skills. All managers will face the issue of dealing with staff whose personal problems are affecting their work and they need the know-how and sensitivity to address such situations.

This realistic yet light-hearted drama helps managers understand the techniques of handling delicate situations and shows them how to encourage staff to overcome problems by taking a proactive approach.