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Ethics Rules Of The Road

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With an emphasis not only on the importance of awareness of ethical issues, this easy-to-understand approach to making ethical decisions shows your employees how.

Runtime: 10 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Leader’s Guide
  • Participant Quiz
  • PowerPoint Presentation
Key Learning Points:
  • Defines ethics in the workplace
  • Helps with an understanding of right and wrong actions
  • Shows how to gauge and test decision


Ethics Rules of the Road defines ethics as knowing right from wrong, following organizational policy, and remaining legally compliant. The program supplies examples of unethical behavior and explains how it can be useful to employ a “stoplight” metaphor to maintain high standards of moral conduct.

The program focuses on five areas of particular concern — dishonesty, theft, harassment, illegal financial manipulations, and safety violations.

A feature of the Ethics Rules of the Road program is not only its emphasis on the importance of awareness around ethical issues but also its easy-to-understand approach to making ethical decisions. This video, while concise, covers the essentials and provides practical guidance for individual decision making in order to achieve an ethical workplace.