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Everest – Creating Greatness

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Teach your employees what it takes to be a great leader who can enable others to create and sustain great results.

Runtime: 34 Minutes
  • DVD including: Everest video (14 minutes)
  • Leadership in the 21st Century Meeting Opener (10 minutes)
  • Tone Setter video segments (10 minutes)
  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Printable Facilitator Guide
  • Printable Participant Guidebook
Key Learning Points:
  • How do leaders create trust?
  • What systems are put in place to ensure success?
  • Learn to unleash talent and potential in your employees
  • Clarify the purpose of the organization


Preview Materials

Preview Guide


Leadership is a choice, not a position, as witnessed in the true story of blind mountain climber Erik Weihenmayer and the courageous team that got him to the top of Mt. Everest. Erik’s team stepped up when the need arose. They shared leadership. Egos didn’t get in the way. They had the competence and skill to succeed. Each inspired trust and understanding of the perils of reaching their goal.

This workshop, developed by Franklin-Covey, will enable you to:

  • Expand upon the leadership theme touched on in the Everest video — participants learn what it takes to be a great leader, one who enables others to create and sustain great results.
  • Introduce Stephen R. Covey’s “Whole-Person Paradigm” with the Leadership in the 21st Century Meeting Opener which enables leaders to see people in their entirety — body , heart, mind and spirit — and in turn earn a higher level of employee engagement.
  • Explain the “4 Imperatives of Great Leaders” required to inspire people’s highest contribution toward meaningful organizational goals: clarify purpose, align systems, unleash talent and inspire trust.

With the additional video footage, plus Tone Setter video segments from the Franklin-Covey Leadership Program, and facilitation and participant materials, this package will help your team “climb their Everest”.