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Everyday Creativity – Updated

One Of Our Bestselling Programs Just Got Better!

Everyday Creativity teaches a surprising truth about creativity — that it’s not a magical, mysterious occurrence, but a ready tool that enables you to look at the ordinary and see the extraordinary.

Runtime: 20 Minutes
  • DVD, USB, or Streaming
  • Leader’s Guide
  • Participant Workbook
  • PowerPoint Presentation
Key Learning Points:
  • See that creativity is a matter of perspective.
  • See that there’s always more than one right answer.
  • Break old patterns.
  • Reframe problems into opportunities


Since it’s release, Everyday Creativity by Dewitt Jones has invited people to utilize their creativity, in everything they do. It’s a message that has resonated with clients around the world. So, we updated it!

Everyday Creativity teaches a surprising truth about creativity — that it’s not a magical, mysterious occurrence, but a ready tool that enables you to look at the ordinary and see the extraordinary.

Every day we are presented with the opportunity to come up with the next solution, the next right answer to our problems. Our ability to search for new ideas can mean the difference between success and failure. But creativity is often thought of as a phenomenon that is larger than life or out of the ordinary, something reserved for a few “artistic types.”

Everyday Creativity features famed National Geographic photographer Dewitt Jones, who challenges such thinking. He uses memorable stories and his own inspirational photos to show us that we can be more creative in everything we do, from problem-solving to managing others.

You’ll feel inspired and encouraged to apply his simple yet powerful creativity techniques to all of your everyday challenges. And, without a doubt, your new solutions will mean the difference between just getting by and being successful.

Everyday Creativity is a motivational and beautiful film that is essential for your organization if you believe your people can accomplish the extraordinary.