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Featured Videos

Five Star Teamwork

How is it that certain teams achieve extraordinary excellence, day after day, year after year and manage to stay committed to each other, their customers and their organization’s mission? This program will show you.

Runtime: 17 Minutes
  • DVD, USB or Streaming
  • Leader’s Guide
  • Reproducible Participant Handouts
  • PowerPoint® Presentation
Key Learning Points:
  • Commitment to Each Other
  • Commitment to the Mission
  • Commitment to the Customer
  • Commitment to Resolving Conflict
  • Commitment to the Details


How is it that certain teams achieve extraordinary excellence, day after day, year after year and manage to stay committed to each other, their customers and their organization’s mission?

This program features the remarkable team at the Four Seasons Restaurant in New York City – for 40-years one of the top-rated destination restaurants in the world – and the principles they live by. Your organization can use these principles to achieve the same level of consistent performance and daily excellence.

This delightful video uses a compelling cast of real-life characters; there are no experts, no actors and nothing is contrived. Just as an example, one of the most important principles of the team is their commitment to each other. An uncommon promise that is one of the traits that set them apart from all others in any setting. They know that unless they take care of each other first they will not be able to provide the level of service required by the pressure-cooker atmosphere of the restaurant.

The five principles:

  • Commitment to Each Other
  • Commitment to the Mission
  • Commitment to the Customer
  • Commitment to Resolving Conflict
  • Commitment to the Details

The program comes with a comprehensive leader’s guide and Power Point Presentation for a one-hour session and a four-hour session and one set of reproducible participant handouts on a convenient CD. It also has very flexible content points that allow for customization for organization-specific exercises or other activities that you may prefer to use.