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Apres tout, c’est vous le superviseur!

Rencontrez Alec, un récemment promu superviseur qui lutte pour l’équilibre dans son nouveau poste. Comment gérer efficacement d’anciens collègues et amis? Cette vidéo à succès décrit les neuf composantes de l’efficacité de la supervision. Ce programme est en français doublé.

Runtime: 21 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Leader’s Guide
  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Participant Workbook
Key Learning Points:
  • Reconnaissez votre nouveau rôle
  • Planifier et prioriser
  • Soyez accessible
  • Encouragez le travail d’équipe
  • Communiquer vers le haut et vers le bas
  • Déléguer Discipliner efficacement
  • Fournir une réponse
  • Modélisez la voie


Meet Alec, a top-notch CSR recently promoted to supervisor. Alec is excited and a bit overwhelmed by his new responsibilities – especially the challenge of moving from the role of friend/colleague to team supervisor. Fortunately, he has a wise boss who guides him through the transition.

It’s not always easy, but Alec finds his place, while his team learns to trust his guidance, work together more efficiently, and function more independently.

A comprehensive training program for new and seasoned supervisors alike, After All, You’re the Supervisor! provides an array of tools for use in your training sessions and as follow-up to help keep your training fresh.

After All, You’re the Supervisor! holds the key to effective supervision, teaching the nine components of supervisory success:

  • Acknowledge Your New Role
  • Plan and Prioritize
  • Be Accessible
  • Encourage Teamwork
  • Communicate Upward and Downward
  • Delegate
  • Discipline Effectively
  • Provide Feedback
  • Model the Way