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Is it Bias? Making Diversity Work

This is a course to Define, Recognize and Reduce Bias in the Workplace. It’s based on the book Making Diversity Work, that Training Magazine has praised as “a great resource for anyone seeking to create or refresh their diversity program”.

Runtime: 17 Minutes
  • DVD, USB or Streaming
  • Leader’s Guide
  • PPT
Key Learning Points:
  • Learn how to identify bias in yourself and others
  • Learn how to use tools to reduce bias and control the impact on others
  • Teach managers to use practical strategies for dealing with unconscious and subtle bias
  • Remember that everyone has the responsibility to control inappropriate behaviours that biases create


Bias costs organizations billions in lost productivity, high turnover, and low morale, not to mention the risk of expensive litigation. Getting rid of bias is within our control. It is not a mystery. It is a choice and we each have the power to make that choice.

This course, featuring Dr. Sondra Thiederman, targets the more subtle forms of bias that insidiously undermine our ability to build truly inclusive workplaces.

The practical bias-reduction strategies in this course have grown out of Dr. Sondra Thiederman’s 25 years of experience in the workplace diversity field. The material is based on her book, Making Diversity Work: Seven Steps for Defeating Bias in the Workplace

Is It Bias? can become the cornerstone for new training initiatives in diversity and inclusion or to enhance your existing curriculum.

The course is designed to provide:

  • Skills for identifying bias in oneself and others.
  • Immediately applicable tools for both reducing biases and controlling their impact on how we treat people who are different from ourselves.
  • Practical strategies to help managers deal with subtle and unconscious bias in the workplace.
  • Awareness that we each have the power and the responsibility to spot biases in our thinking and, in turn, to control the inappropriate behaviours that those biased attitudes create.