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Legal Email And Text Messaging At Work

Business email and texting cannot be casual, and it is permanent. Teach all of your employees about the facts of email and how to use it properly.

Runtime: Minutes
Key Learning Points:
  • Educates employees on proper use of electronic correspondence
  • Ensures people know the legalities of email and texting
  • Protects the organization through improved employee awareness


Email. Everyone of us uses it everyday. It’s simple to use and it makes our lives more efficient. However, because email is so casual and commonplace we have a tendency to forget about the dangers of it, especially when it’s used in business.

Making a mistake with business email can be devastating for a career and can even result in liability for the organization. It is now common practice for attorneys in business litigation to subpoena email records. One bad choice could lead to legal difficulties, the termination of employment, or both.
The same goes for business texting. Texting is just as casual and commonplace and also just as dangerous. The improper use of text messages can leave employees in the same legal jeopardy as the improper use of email.
It is imperative that every employee understands the appropriate use of email and texting. Legal E-mail and Text Messaging at Work explains the facts about business email and texting, and points out that, despite the fact that these forms of communication seem casual, they are not as private as one might think — and they cannot be deleted or hidden.

Viewers will learn facts, boundaries and consequences that are important in electronic communication:

  • How email is permanent – once it’s sent it’s out there
  • Why email is NOT private – work email is organizational property
  • The dangers of texting at work – it cannot be casual
  • Harassment & Bullying – offensiveness cannot be taken back
  • Confidential Information – protect against identity theft
  • Insider Trading – financial information not available to the public
  • Trade Secrets – organizational operations, products or services
  • Viruses – a forwarded attachment could contain them
  • Copyrighted Materials – is it legal to send someone else’s property?
  • Defamation – discussing others and spreading rumors
  • The consequences of sending inappropriate email – organizational policies and legal ramifications

Some of the above may not apply to every employee; however, it is best that everyone know about proper use of email and texting in the workplace — just in case computer forensics ever has to be called in.