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Featured Videos

Manager or Mouse

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There are times that any manager can feel overwhelmed with customer calls, problem situations, and office distractions. In this humorous video, you will see how one manager learned how to understand his own fears and concerns so he could overcome these problems and take control.

Runtime: 12 Minutes
  • DVD
Key Learning Points:
  • Leadership & Supervisory training
  • Customer Service
  • Management & Leadership


Are there times your managers feel overwhelmed with various demands at work? Do you or your managers need to take control of the situation?

There are times that any manager can feel overwhelmed with customer calls, problem situations, and office distractions. In this humorous video, you will see how one manager learned how to understand his own fears and concerns so he could overcome these problems and take control.

Louis has just started a new job at a company that installs carpets for customers. He is distracted and disorganized and is seeing a psychiatrist to vent his frustrations. His employees are frustrated and his customers are unhappy. He needs to become a manager, not a mouse.

Through a process of communication with his alter ego, involvement with his entire team, and planning, Louis is able to transform himself – and in the process make his job and surroundings more positive… and more fun!


  • Control the chaos by taking ownership of your job
  • Develop clear, consistent plans to fix any problems and to achieve all set goals
  • Listen, communicate, and engage your team to help resolve the problems
  • Be positive and flexible. Support your team as they implement solutions.


  • Leadership & Supervisory training
  • Customer Service
  • Management & Leadership