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Featured Videos

Paradigm Pioneers

This video helps you and your organization cultivate the pioneering spirit so that you can act on opportunities before your competitors do.

Runtime: 30 Minutes
  • DVD
  • Leader’s Guide
Key Learning Points:
  • Innovation
  • Risk-taking
  • Empowerment
  • Strategic planning


If someone else discovers a new paradigm before you do, can you still profit from it? Absolutely! As Paradigm Pioneers demonstrates, you don’t need to be the one who invents the next great idea in order to benefit from it – you need only look for ideas that are already out there. It takes intuition, courage and commitment to recognize new paradigms, to champion change and to bring the final results to the market.

This video helps you and your organization cultivate the pioneering spirit so that you can act on opportunities before your competitors do. Pioneers don’t discover the territory, but they are the first to explore it with open eyes – to see change and take advantage of it. Today, organizations cannot afford to wait until a new territory is safely settled. It’s the settlers who are truly at risk of holding on to past successes and missing key opportunities.

Through examples, Joel Barker shows how courage, intuition and commitment are the values that can transform an organization from a settler to a pioneer. Every organization has a choice: it can watch the future pass it by, or it can ride out to meet the future.

Paradigm Pioneers shows what it takes for people to explore and shape their own futures.

Paradigm Pioneers Promotes:

Strategic planning