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Featured Videos

The Practical Coach

Coaching is all about inspiring, encouraging, and challenging your team. It’s as simple as noticing how your team is performing and then letting them know you notice. In other words, coaching is the process of letting people know that what they do matters to you.

Runtime: 24 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Digital Leader’s Guide
Key Learning Points:
  • When they are doing great work praise them
  • When they are doing poor work correct positively and in private
  • Use the 2-Minute Challenge when they get off track


Coaching is all about inspiring, encouraging, and challenging your team. It’s as simple as noticing how your team is performing and then letting them know you notice. In other words, coaching is the process of letting people know that what they do matters to you.

This film offers sensible advice to encouraging good work, correcting poor work, using good judgement and caring about each member of your team.

Think of the people in your life who helped you get where you are today. All the “coaches” who were there for you, who cared about you, who were honest with you when you needed it most. Now it’s your turn.

Coaching is all about making the best of the ups and downs that your team members experience every single day. Great coaching comes from knowing how to do this gently, directly and sincerely.

From getting good work repeated to correcting poor work in a positive way, to turning dead-end performances around, The Practical Coach offers sensible advice for coaches who care. Film and television personality Michael Horton hosts this lighthearted look at the everyday challenges and pleasures of coaching great work.

Viewers will learn how let their team members know they matter:

  • When they are doing great work-praise them.
  • When they are doing poor work-correct them positively and in private.
  • Use the 2-Minute Challenge taught in the video when they get off track.