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Recipe For Change

This program is a case study about the management of change in a Seafood Restaurant business. In the video, the owner and his colleagues identify the factors that that have been critical in enabling them to implement change successfully. These are universal messages that can be helpful to managers in any kind of organization.

  • Chaptered DVD
  • Facilitator’s Guide
Key Learning Points:
  • Communicating the change message universally is key
  • The more you consult and involve your team the more likely they are to embrace it positively
  • Give your team ownership of the process
  • Anticipate and plan for implementation problems
  • Support your team and be there for them
  • Take time to celebrate successes


Most of us are ambivalent about change. There is a tension between recognizing its inevitability and our desire for things to stay as they are. Resolving this tension is particularly important in the workplace where all organizations need to be able to respond speedily and effectively to changing circumstances.

It’s the responsibility of leaders and senior managers to recognize the need for change and to determine new directions for their organizations. But it’s one thing to set out that change, it’s another to make it work in practice. The responsibility for this falls squarely on the shoulders of team leaders, line managers and supervisors. They have to make it happen on the ‘shop floor’, to translate strategic ambitions into new ‘day to day’ ways of working.

Implementing change successfully is a key management skill. It requires emotional intelligence. Managers need to appreciate that people react differently: most of us are resistant to change, like things to stay as they are; others tend to jump in without thinking. Encouraging your staff to accept and support change is more likely to be successful than trying to impose it on them. And managers need to recognize the pressure that the process puts on them. Managing change requires resilience.

The messages in Recipe for Change have universal relevance. They will be helpful to all managers, team leaders, and supervisors in any organization. The video is intended to support programs in management development generally, and in change management specifically. Its use in group training sessions will stimulate discussion and provide a focus for key learning points.