Owen-Stewart Performance Resources Inc. | 1-800-263-3399 | sales@owenstewart.com


This thought-provoking three-minute program will inspire and delight you. And the ending is totally unexpected. Starring Hollywood actress Nancy Travis.

Runtime: 3 Minutes
  •  DVD or USB
Key Learning Points:
  • Helps you to perform your act of kindness
  • Shows you that not everyone is what they appear to be
  • Teaches you to rid yourself of pre-conceived notions


Starring film and television actor Nancy Travis and produced with the same quality of a Hollywood movie, this thought-provoking three-minute program will inspire and delight you. Sally reminds us to look beyond the surface of things to see that small, unexpected acts of kindness can change our entire perspective in an instant.

Suggested uses: Customer service, interpersonal skills, personal development and character building.