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Talking 9 to 5

Runtime: 29 Minutes
  • DVD
  • Leader’s Guide
Key Learning Points:
  • Utilize everyone’s input to generate exceptional ideas
  • Strengthen diversity through positive, non-blaming approach
  • Help leaders adapt to variety of communication styles
  • Retain talented employees who know they are heard, respected


Imagine how difficult work would be if you spoke a different language than your co-workers! Yet this happens every day – because men and women use different communication styles. These differences, which start in childhood, can make it difficult for managers to lead and cause misunderstandings that hurt teamwork and morale.

Linguistics expert Deborah Tannen introduced the idea that men and women sometimes talk as if they inhabit different worlds. Talking 9 to 5 captures real-life work conversations that illustrate her pioneering insights. It shows why men aren’t necessarily against an idea just because they criticize it and why female managers may be penalized whether they speak directly or indirectly.

By examining how you speak and listen, you’ll learn how to understand others – and be understood. That’s essential for any team that is working for common goals.

Key Learning Benefits:

  • Utilize everyone’s input to generate exceptional ideas
  • Strengthen diversity through positive, non-blaming approach
  • Help leaders adapt to variety of communication styles
  • Retain talented employees who know they are heard, respected