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Teamwork Across Generations – T.A.G.

Football’s winning coaches Mike Ditka, Sean Payton, Rex Ryan, and Bobby Bowden provide insight into how to work successfully across generations. Day in and day out, they have to deal with multiple generations – and they deliver outstanding performance! Now you can take their core lessons and apply them to your organization.

Runtime: 11 Minutes

DVD contains:

  • 11-Minute Version
  • 39-Minute Version
  • 41-Page Participant Guide
Key Learning Points:


For the first time in North American history, four distinct generations are employed side-by-side in the workplace. The multi-generational composition of the workforce has led to a critical need: developing communication strategies that bridge gaps in experience and worldview. It has never been more complicated or necessary to master multi-generational communication among team members. The strength of the Teamwork Across Generations – T.A.G. training program comes from its powerful and experienced leaders who inspire you and your team members to excel to full capability.

The Teamwork Across Generations – T.A.G. DVD includes two separate programs: An 11-minute short cut and an extended 39-minute version.

Teamwork Across Generations – 11 Minute Version:
The first program is an 11-minute motivational short cut of the Teamwork Across Generations training video. This program highlights five key strategies for improving communication and productivity between the generations.

The key learning points include:

  • Foster Mutual Respect
  • Listen
  • We’re All On The Same Team
  • Everybody Becomes Invested
  • Show You Care
Teamwork Across Generations – 39 Minute Version:
The second program is an extended 39-minute group or self-study version of the Teamwork Across Generations training video. This program contains an in-depth workbook, with a step-by-step toolkit for understanding the key strategy for improving work between the generations. This program is divided into five parts:

Part 1: Teamwork Warm Up
Part 2: Empower Across Generations
Part 3: Perform Across Generations
Part 4: Lead Across Generations
Part 5: Unite Across Generations

Teamwork Across Generations – Participant Guide:
While the TAG training DVD is the core of the training program, the workbook and exercises comprise the forum in which you and your group will build the foundation for cooperation, understanding, unit cohesiveness, and team optimization. All of the activities and assessments support inter-generational team-building. After extensive research, the T.A.G. training video and 41-page participant guide was specifically designed to promote dynamic communication and cross-generational understanding. This in-depth participant guide will provide a step-by-step toolkit for understanding the key strategy for improving work between the generations.