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Tearing Down Walls

This program helps people eliminate miscommunication, distrust, and stereotyping to improve performance and productivity in the workplace.

Runtime: 22 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Leader’s Guide
Key Learning Points:
  • Walls in organizations lead to rivalries, jealousy and defensiveness
  • The process of change takes a lot of time
  • Open and honest communication will take down walls


Tearing Down Walls, one of five films in the Covey Leadership Library, uses the metaphor of the Berlin Wall for the barriers that exist between individuals, teams, departments, or even between an organization and its customers. In a highly involving documentary format, Tearing Down Walls helps people eliminate miscommunication, distrust, and stereotyping to improve performance and productivity in the workplace.

Included is an introduction and summarizing insights by Dr. Stephen R. Covey, founder and chairman of the Covey Leadership Center and best-selling author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Participants will be prepared individually, as teams, and as organizations to communicate better and manage change. They also will learn to initiate effective leadership not merely for short-term gains, but for long-term progress.