Owen-Stewart Performance Resources Inc. | 1-800-263-3399 | sales@owenstewart.com

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The Leader Inside

This new program uses inspirational quotes on a changing background to show us that anyone can become a leader, that we have it inside—we just need to bring it out!
Streaming licences are available.

Runtime: 3 Minutes
  • 3-Minute DVD or USB
Key Learning Points:
  • No one is born a leader—this is a learned skill
  • Determination is the key ingredient to successful leadership
  • Only you can bring out the ‘leader’ in you
  • True success is all about growing those around you


We all have a leader inside of us waiting for the courage, passion or necessity to come out. This inspirational leadership meeting opener uses beautiful imagery, inspirational music and quotes from leadership experts that will send you in the right direction to releasing the leader inside.