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Think Again: An Innovation & Creativity Meeting Opener

Many of history’s greatest discoveries and inventions once looked impossible. It’s a good thing that history’s most brilliant scientists, inventors, and entrepreneurs gave things a second thought.

Runtime:  4 Minutes
  •  DVD or USB
Key Learning Points:
  • Help your teams unleash their creativity
  • Encourages employees to step out of their comfort zone
  • Use as an example for increasing the use of suggestion boxes


What do heart surgery, the moon landing, automobiles, the light bulb, home computers and airplanes have in common? Answer: They were all thought impossible at one point by some really smart people. It’s a good thing that history’s most brilliant scientists, inventors and entrepreneurs gave things a second thought.This upbeat, humorous and inspiring video takes a look at some of history’s greatest inventions and achievements and at the naysayers who said they couldn’t ever be done.

Think Again is set to upbeat, quirky music and features historical footage of the moon landing, the moon mission taking off from Earth, Thomas Edison, the Wright Brothers and Henry Ford’s model Ts.

If you need a meeting opener that will inspire your group to ground breaking creativity and innovation, you’ve found it!

Options for use—call or email for custom pricing.

  • DVD
  • On Demand Streaming
  • Online Training
  • SCORM 1.2 Download
  • MP4 Video Download
  • 1-Year Unlimited Use