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Twelve Angry Men: Teams That Won’t Quit, Updated Version

Announcing a huge update to a wildly best-selling Leadership and Teamwork program based on the best-selling Hollywood movie – Twelve Angry Men. And, you’ll see more original footage from the movie.

Runtime: 23 Minutes
  • DVD, USB, or Streaming
  • Leader’s Guide
  • Participant Worksheets
Key Learning Points:
  • Effective leaders encourage inquiry
  • There must be a vigorous pursuit of decisions
  • Conflict serves the group process
  • There is great benefit in having varying backgrounds
  • Effective decisions result from different perspectives


In this new version, examples of workplace team meetings and discussions are interspersed with correlating scenes from the classic movie Twelve Angry Men, where a jury contentiously tries to decide the innocence or guilt of a boy indicted for murder.

This program explores the interactions, reactions, prejudices, reasoning, and personalities that can exist in teams as they engage in group decision making. Examples pulled from today’s organizations are interspersed with footage from the classic Twelve Angry Men film.

Dr. Margaret Wheatley narrates and analyzes all the action while explaining 5 key concepts that enable a team to successfully achieve its goals and/or make effective decisions.

Along with the newly-revised 23-minute video (now in high-definition), this package also includes 4 short modules from the main video broken into 5 to 7 minutes segments.

The 5 Key Points presented in the full video are:

  • Effective leaders encourage inquiry
  • There must be a vigorous pursuit of decisions
  • Conflict serves the group process
  • There is great benefit in having varying backgrounds
  • Effective decisions result from different perspectives

The 4 shorter modules have been edited to focus specifically on the points each depicts. In addition, scenarios are interspersed in each segment that correlates the points in the jury scenarios to the points of the organizational situations.

We Need To Talk! – This module sets the plot of the jury having to decide innocence or guilt. It also presents 5 key concepts that prompt teams to have the kinds of discussions that lead to effective and fair decisions.

The Different Kind of Leadership – Focuses on the leader’s role in encouraging team members to be actively involved in the conversation–fearlessly expressing their views without imposing their beliefs onto others. Viewers are reminded to keep their minds open and avoid settling for easy answers.

 The Decision-Making Environment – Emphasizes the need to adopt the assumption of equality, which promotes the right of every participant to be respected for their opinion and allowed to express it. This is a critical attitude for being able to move toward a positive result.

Diversity and Inclusion – Highlights 4 key points that focus on how individual group member backgrounds bring a variety of perspectives to the issue and/or the problem the group is attempting to solve.

This newly updated version allows teams and team leaders to experience the original form of the video in an updated version and/or focus on the individual learning points from the program.