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The Unified Team

SKU: 1786P Category: Tags: , Brand:

Here’s an engaging look, hosted by television personality Michael Horton, at the coach’s role in promoting, protecting and restoring team unity.

Runtime: 24 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Leader’s Guide
  • Participant Workbook
Key Learning Points:
  • How to gain a personal commitment
  • Create a member’s bill of rights
  • Teach members to resolve their own conflicts
  • Practice continuous appreciation and more


A group of people focused on the same goal, working in harmony and sharing their success is an ideal shared by managers and employees alike. Unfortunately, its occurrence is too rare. Teams are often plagued, instead, by conflicting agendas, personality conflicts and disenchanted members.

This film explores the mysteries surrounding the feeling of team unity. Team unity occurs when members are provided with three basic human needs: the need to achieve, the need to belong and the need to contribute.

Here’s an engaging look, hosted by television personality Michael Horton (The Practical Coach), at the coach’s role in promoting, protecting and restoring team unity. This program lays out a practical approach that any coach can take to insure that these needs are in balance for every team member.

Viewers Will Learn:

  • How to gain a personal commitment
  • Create a member’s bill of rights
  • Teach members to resolve their own conflicts
  • Practice continuous appreciation and more