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We’re On the Same Team, Remember? Second Edition

Viewers learn how each employee contact gives a customer additional insight into the way the organization operates and how critical it is that every contact between employee and customer be positive.

Runtime: 20 Minutes
  • DVD or USB with Bonus Discussion Segments
  • Leader’s Guide
  • Participant Workbook
Key Learning Points:
  • Shows why teamwork is crucial
  • Reduces miscommunications
  • Enables organizations to provide better service overall


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Sales and marketing professionals are keenly aware that for customers to purchase and to continue to purchase, they must offer consistently reliable products and services. They must also demonstrate that they represent a reputable, well-run company that has helpful, collaborative team-members.

In complex marketing and sales situations, many other members of the organization become involved, and they, too, must project this image. To some degree, every individual within an organization is responsible for its success or failure. In this film, viewers will see how each employee contact gives the customer additional insight into the ways in which the organization operates.

A customer can quickly determine if the employees are helpful, cooperative and willing to listen. Through these interactions, customers are also left with an impression of overall management philosophy and business policy. These include quality of communication, organization of priorities, management style, handling of complaints and the treatment of employees, as well as customers.

This film clearly demonstrates that, to customers, image is often as important as the product or service itself. It is critical that every contact between employee and customer be positive. It’s an unforgettable lesson that will inspire renewed dedication to customers, quality and the success of your organization. As an all too familiar drama unfolds, participants see how listening to clients’ needs and expectations, clarifying inter- and intradepartmental tasks when servicing the customer, and being available and responsive are all crucial to keeping customers from going elsewhere.